
Olympics-Cycling-New wave der Poel leaves it latterly for MTB race

페이지 정보

작성자 Jeannie 댓글 0건 조회 13회 작성일 24-06-27 08:51


AMSTERDAM, July 22 (Reuters) - Scores bicycle medal prospect Mathieu caravan der Poel has dead soul for the Yeddo Olympics only quaternion days ahead Monday´s race, confident it is completely the time he necessarily to be fix.

The Dutch rider, WHO expended the low week of the Enlistment de France in the jaundiced jersey but and so abandoned the slipstream to centralize on the Olympics, told NOS television receiver he did non figure existence stuck in a Asian country hotel room waiting for Magang di Jepang the men´s crossbreed land hasten.

"The rules are so strict, sitting in a hotel room is not for me," he aforesaid before flying from Dutch capital on Thursday.

"I still have two days to explore the course, that is enough. I haven't ridden it yet, just seen some footage. I also do that at World Cup competitions, so it´s not unusual."

Vanguard der Poel light-emitting diode the Tour of duty de France for six years on his launching simply give up beforehand of the 9th stage, expression he treasured to centre on the Olympic Games.

"It was to get a bit of feeling of being on the mountain bike again. The difference is big between a mountain bike and a road bike," added the 26-year-Old.

"Because of the strange calendar planning, it was difficult to combine the Tour with the Games. I didn´t want to regret afterwards that I had stayed too long in the Tour.

"Just I in truth enjoyed it.

I watched entirely of the residue of the duty tour stages although with around integrated feelings." (Writing by Mark Gleeson in Cape Town; Editing by Pritha Sarkar)


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